Friday, July 19, 2013

Some Workout Routines that can Turn that Flab into Washboard Abs!!!!

  Hey guy I'm back to give you some more advice to turn that flab into washboard abs. Well this time I will talk about some routines you should do.
  So for the first routine I want to show you is the downward dog. This is a yoga position but you can turn it into many workout ideas.
 First get into the position and then slowly roll your body forward into a push up position then go into the position to the right. Then you need to roll back into the downward dog the same way. This will work everything in your upper body including your back muscles. It will be a great exercise for you.

      Now the next workout position will be the wall squat. This is a position that you need a wall as you can see and you need to try to stay in this position for as long as possible. The first time you need to try it for 30 seconds and every time you complete it successfully the next time you add 30 seconds.

      And finally the last exercise is the inverted push up now what you need is like a chair or a box so that you can put your feet up on it. Now like a normal push up you want to try to go down until your nose touches the ground. This will extensively workout your shoulders and arms.
  Well this is another post on how to turn your flab into washboard abs. This is Maverick hoping you have a great time working out and getting healthy for the better alright thank you and can't wait to see you again.

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