Hey everyone I am very sorry that I havent been able to post anything for so long. I was having rough times in my family and then I am joining the United States Marine Corps. Which means that I know a lot more workouts. So for this great return I will announce there will be an Excercise of the Day. ( Instead of Week) So todays excercise of the day is the triple threat, this workout is a Marine workout. You will begin by laying on your back an place your hands under your butt. Then you lift you your legs straight out then 6inches in the air. Then you do scissor kicks, you do a Marine count which goes 1,2,3,ONE. 1,2,3,TWO. All the way to 15. Then you bring your legs back to 6 inches and hold for 10 by Marine count. Then you will start 15 leg lifts by Marine count. After this You will bring your legs back 6 inches and hold for 15 by Marine count. Then you will do side leg opens for 15 by marine count. Then you will go back to 6 inches and hold for 20 by Marine count. After this you will have completed the excercise well I hope this is a helpful tip to Turn that Flab into Washboard Abs. I'm glad to be back and rolling on the ball, so look out for more helpful tips. Until then go get fit and now our followers names are the Ab Spartans so work hard and never give up and continue to push your goals.