Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Excercise of the Week!!!

                                                    Exercise of the Week

                           HELLOO EVERYBODY!!!!! It is the exercise of the week if you want to turn that flab into washboard abs. Alright this exercise of the week is easy and simple to lose weight are you ready for it....... DON'T DRINK SODA!!! That substance is so bad for your body it is unbelievable. And hey some will say this isnt an exercise when i say bullcrap it is hard to cut soda out of your diet sometimes. But i promise you the minute you cut soda from your diet you will notice improvement in sleeping habits, eating habits, weight loss, efficiency in the gym or workout. But you still need to workout too so you know what I'll give you a second excercise..... a 10 minute run, don't have a watch or phone that tells you the distance you travel while you run. Just set a timer and go, suprise yourself by what you do and then improve on that everyday. Running is proven to be the most efficient exercise at burning calories. Well thats all i have for this time but remember stay fit, stay strong, and fight all day long. And comeback again if you wanna turn that flab into washboard abs!!


                                     Tip of The Week!!!!

   Hey guys I'm back and welcome to another post on how to turn that flab into washboard abs. Alright so you always hear how you need to get 8 hours of sleep and you are like eehh I guess I can try. Well here is a tip.....GO TO BED!!! Your body recovers the most when you are asleep after a hard workout. You should be getting 8 hours of sleep I know its hard sometimes but you need to do it if you want to improve your gains in the gym. Alright so I'm gonna start doing this more often to get you guys the help ya'll need and remember come here if you wanna turn that flab into washboard abs!!!